Dr. Chase Williams is committed to providing exceptional dental care that fits your health needs and budget. We understand the importance of a functional and attractive smile, which is why we offer a wide range of services, including restorative dental care. From minimally-invasive fillings to complex smile reconstruction with dental implants—and everything in-between—we can help you enjoy a lifetime of healthy smiles.
Restorative dentistry is an area of dental care that focuses on restoring the function, integrity, and health of structurally damaged teeth. It encompasses a variety of treatments aimed at repairing or replacing damaged, decayed, or missing teeth. Our dentist in Fairhope may recommend therapies like:
Depending on the extent of damage to your teeth, we always recommend the most conservative solution. Our goal is to prevent the spread of disease and avoid additional damage to your surrounding smile.
Even one missing tooth can have significant consequences on your smile. When a tooth is missing, the surrounding teeth can shift, causing overall smile misalignment and bite or TMJ problems. This can lead to joint pain, orthodontic concerns, and premature wear on adjacent teeth. Additionally, missing teeth often result in bone loss in that location, which can further compromise the integrity of your remaining teeth and cause premature aging in your face. By replacing missing teeth, you can prevent these issues and restore the full function and appearance of your smile.
Options for Replacing Missing Teeth
At Tooth & Co., we offer several options for replacing missing teeth, tailored to meet your unique needs and preferences. These options include:
Dental Implants
Considered the gold standard for tooth replacement, dental implants are the most lifelike, minimally invasive solution available. Dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth, and they offer long-term durability. Dr. Chase Williams has extensive training in dental implant therapy, including All-on-4 treatment for full mouth reconstruction.
Dental Bridges
Fixed bridges are used to fill in the gap created by one or two missing teeth. They consist of a set of crowns bonded to one another, with either end supported by healthy teeth or dental implants. Dental bridges restore your ability to chew and speak properly while enhancing the aesthetics of your smile.
Dental Crowns
Crowns are tooth-shaped covers that are placed over broken, worn, cracked, or decaying teeth. A crown covers the entire surface above the gums, restoring the tooth’s integrity and appearance. Custom crowns offer protection as well as enhanced aesthetics. We also place dental crowns on top of implants to replace single missing teeth.
In some cases, extensive dental issues may require a comprehensive approach to smile rehabilitation known as full-mouth reconstruction. This treatment involves a combination of restorative procedures to rebuild and rehabilitate your entire smile. Full-mouth reconstruction can address multiple concerns, such as missing teeth, tooth decay, gum disease, and extensive tooth loss. By designing a personalized treatment plan, Dr. Williams can restore your oral health, function, and aesthetics, giving you a smile that enhances your overall quality of life.
For custom restorative dentistry treatments and in-house dental sedation, contact the friendly team at Tooth & Co. today. Together, you and Dr. Williams will create a customized treatment plan to restore your health. Call our Fairhope, AL dentist today, and be sure to ask about our private membership plan.
Call NowWe are an unrestricted provider, which means that our office is not in-network with any dental insurance. But, we are able to file your claims for you and have your insurance reimburse you directly. This means that you will be responsible for paying for your visit up front and the insurance company will send you a check to reimburse you for the portion they cover. Please check out our amazing in-house membership plan which is a much better alternative than traditional dental insurance.